景立方(北京)景观规划设计有限公司于①2008年成立于北京,是中国景观规划设计领域的创新品牌企业之一。现已在北京、上海、青岛、西安等地设立分公司。景立方是以景观规划设计为主的专业综合设计公司,业务』范围包括:居住区景观规划设计;公共建筑周边环境景观设计;风景区、旅游度假区、主题公园的规划设计;城市公园、广场、商业街区的景观规划与设计等。景立方目前拥有优秀设计师100余人,完成作品覆盖全国60多座城市,并与万科、保利、旭辉、融创、中海、新城、万达、绿地、鑫苑、阳光城、中国铁建、海信等知名房企建立了良好的客户合作体系。创业十余载▽,景立方始终∑将“志诚 · 分享 · 永续之道”作为追求,秉持呈现情、景、境相融的优秀设计作品,致力与开发房企▲共筑地产精品。
Established in Beijing in 2008, jingcube (Beijing) design office is one of the innovative brand enterprises in the field of landscape planning and design in China. It has set up branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Xi'an and other places.
Jingcube is a professional comprehensive design company focusing on landscape planning and design. Its business scope includes: landscape planning and design of residential areas; landscape design of surrounding environment of public buildings; planning and design of scenic spots, tourist resorts and theme parks; landscape planning and design of urban parks, squares and commercial blocks, etc.
At present, jingcube has more than 100 excellent designers, whose works cover more than 60 cities in China, and has established a good customer cooperation system with well-known real estate enterprises such as Vanke, poly, Xuhui, rongchuang, Zhonghai, Xincheng, Wanda, Greenland, Xinyuan, sunshine city, China railway construction, Hisense, etc. We will continue to share the excellent design and landscape with real estate enterprises.